As linked to Abaco Update 2007 of
Sandys Guide to the Abacos, Bahamas
Page 18 The Abaconian May 1, 2007
South Abaco News
Sandy Point - Coastal Awareness Month is brought to Sandy Point
Rocky Point developers respond to Opposition Letter By Tonia Ferguson In a letter addressed to former Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, dated March 29, Diane Claridge, Director at the Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation based in Sandy Point, outlined concerns of the proposed Rocky Point de- velopment. See website The Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation documents the occurrence, distribution and abundance of marine mammals in the Bahamas to contribute towards the conserva- tion of these species both locally and glo- bally. According to Ms. Claridge the develop- ment will include a 147-room mixed-use hotel and approximately 100 two-storey condos and homes. It will also include a 120-slip marina. The proposed development where the developer has purchased 50 acres of land and plans to acquire an additional 300 acres of Crown Land including the duck pond is within a half mile of an area used by the organisation for the past ten years to study the population of Blainvilles beaked whales. Ms. Claridges letter outlines concerns of the developments effects to the popula- tions of the beaked whales and Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. The letter also ad- dresses socio-economic and ecological con- cerns. Some ecological concerns are that the purchased 50 acres is predominantly fresh and salt-water wetlands. The land is a drainage area in storms and prevents flood- ing of Sandy Point. The area provides a feed- ing habitat for the endangered Bahama Par- rot, and the development may cause dam- age to soft and hard corals. |
Ms. Claridge noted that her concerns mirror those of the Inter-American Devel- opment Bank, that the Bahamas needs an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. She suggested that until implementation of such a plan, large-scale coastal develop- ments should cease. It was these concerns that prompted her to request a public meet- ing in Sandy Point. Responding to the letter, the developers held a town meeting in Sandy Point on April 12. The gathering of approximately 100 people listened attentively as the develop- ers made their address. They detailed the plans of the development and informed the audience of their intent to make employ- ment available to everyone who wants a job. A concern outlined by Ms. Claridge was addressed - the creation of a beach. Refer- ring to a map of Rocky Point, the devel- oper showed the previous existence of a beach. While Ms. Claridge had other con- cerns, the developer at the time was unable to provide her with responses. The last ques- tion of the evening posed by an eager young resident was, When will the development begin? In reply, the developer stated that they expected to begin within months. This excited the crowd who seemed to welcome the proposed development. Missing - This is an aerial view of the Rocky Point area that is slated for a hotel, residential development and marina. The area is south of the Sandy Point airport and would encompassing about 350 acres of wetlands, coppice and pine forest. Fifty acres were purchased privately while the rest will be Crown Land. Back to Abaco Update 2007 |